RE-usable snack containers
Starting solid food with your baby is such an exciting time and a huge milestone for both mum & dad and baby. A whole new world of taste and texture opens for your little one (who seems so much more grown up now they eat real food) And of course, there are the brilliant facial expressions.
This new eating adventure also brings with it new organisational challenges for heading out of the house. Suddenly snacks are one more thing to remember and having containers on hand to pack (and store food in) can make life that little bit easier.
Our top tips for eating on the run!

Here we’ve given our tips that we think will be super handy for any mum and munchkin heading out and about.
- Make sure you always have a little something on hand is easy when you have a range of snack boxes.
- Pop one of these collapsible snack cups in your handbag and you’ll always have a snack cup on hand.
- Tucker time, trolley style! Snack while in the shopping trolley, this gives your little one easy access to their snacks as you get the shopping done (in peace!)
- Sometimes accessibility is everything and the Lil Finch Boutique Collapsible Snack Cup makes sure that baby can always reach for a snack or a sip of water while sitting in the pram. A lifesaver when you’re out running errands!